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How 6-12 Months of Fck It, Lets Do It Transformed My One-Person Business

How 6-12 Months of Fck It, Lets Do It Transformed My One-Person Business
6 min read

6-12 Months of “F*ck It. Let’s Do It” Can Transform Your One-Person Business Dreams

It took just 12 months of embracing a "f*ck it, let’s do it" mindset to completely turn my life around. I used to be afraid of risks, clinging to a predictable, safe path.

Growing up, I sought stability and hated stepping outside my comfort zone. My dream was a simple 9–5, clocking in and out without any surprises. I avoided anything that seemed disruptive — even rejecting opportunities to travel. That same fear of uncertainty led to the end of a relationship with my ex-girlfriend, who wanted to explore the world, while I stayed tethered to my routines.

But over time, the very life I thought I wanted — working a steady job, living for the weekends, and imagining retirement at 65 — started to feel suffocating. I grew unhappy with my job, the people I worked with, and the prospect of a future defined by two-week vacations and retirement filled with health issues. I could no longer ignore the cracks in my "safe" life.


The Mindset Shift That Changed Everything

Here’s what I learned: 100% of my business problems came down to one thing — mindset.

If success were just about knowledge, I’d already be a millionaire in perfect shape with an amazing relationship. But that’s not the case.

The real transformation happened when I stopped overthinking and embraced a "f*ck it, let’s do it" mentality.

  • Decided to write online despite not being a great writer? "F*ck it, let’s do it."
  • Moved to Southeast Asia to grow my marketing agency? "F*ck it, let’s do it."
  • Quit my stable 9–5 job to dive into entrepreneurship with zero prior experience? You guessed it: "F*ck it, let’s do it."

This shift allowed me to break through my limiting beliefs, manage my emotions better, and rewire my old patterns. I stopped obsessing over control and instead focused on how I responded to life’s challenges. The result? A richer, more fulfilled life filled with experiences, meaningful relationships, and a wealth of knowledge.

The Trap of Craving Certainty

A close friend recently told me, "I’ll be a 9–5 worker my whole life."

She’s 28. Why? She, like so many people, craves certainty. Despite coming from an upper-middle-class background, with parents who paid for her education and even her mortgage, she’s been programmed from a young age to prioritize safety and security above all else.

This mindset might protect her in the short term, but it stifles growth in the long run.

Yes, she’s making good money. But she’s hit her income ceiling, and every raise comes with more responsibility and less freedom. She’s shackled by the golden handcuffs of her job, and though she has no kids and no significant financial obligations, she’s too afraid to take risks. If not now, when?

The need for certainty crushes more dreams than lack of talent ever will. Sure, talent matters. But most people give up long before talent even has a chance to shine.

We build our own cages, locking ourselves inside.

If she were happy, I wouldn’t question her choices. But she’s not. She often talks about how unfulfilled she feels. She deals with depression and anxiety, thinking a new job or vacation might solve everything. But that’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

If you want to start a business, live abroad, or pursue a passion project, don’t wait for the perfect moment. Say "f*ck it, let’s do it." You’ll either succeed or come away with an amazing story — and either way, you win.

The Business Success Formula

I have another friend who’s been dreaming of starting a business for years. He’s constantly sharing new ideas, devouring entrepreneurship podcasts, and reading all the right books. But he’s stuck in what I call "tutorial hell" — endlessly consuming information but never taking action. Why? Because starting something means risking failure.

I know how he feels because I was there too. For two years, I was trapped in that same loop before finally launching my business. And that first year? It was brutal. Every day felt like a struggle, and quitting was a tempting option.

But I learned more in that year than I ever could from a traditional education. Every entrepreneur I’ve spoken with says the same thing: the first year is always the hardest.

You’ll feel overwhelmed. You’ll fail daily. You’ll constantly need to relearn and unlearn things. But without that "f*ck it, let’s do it" mindset, you’ll never break free of the comfort zone of endless tutorials and planning.

In business, success comes down to just two things:

  1. Generate traffic.
  2. Make offers.

That’s it. Everything else is just noise.

You don’t need a fancy business name, a logo, or even a website. What you do need is a bank account and a way to get paid. Get in front of people and make offers. Simple as that.

Taking Calculated Risks

I’m not some reckless daredevil. My strength lies in taking calculated risks and minimizing potential downsides.

Here’s how I approach it:

  1. Take lots of small risks in a controlled environment.
  2. Use feedback and data to refine your approach.
  3. Find a community or coach to support you.
  4. Embrace a "mad scientist" mentality with your life.

Before I fully committed to being a digital nomad in Southeast Asia, I tested the waters with smaller trips. I spent eight weeks in Asia and Europe to see if I liked the lifestyle and how I would adapt. I made plenty of mistakes along the way, but those experiences validated my choice.

After a trip to Asia in early 2023, I realized my initial business plan wasn’t going to work with the digital nomad lifestyle. So I spent 12 months pivoting into a new business model. But instead of agonizing over whether I’d like it, I just dove in, learned from the experience, and adjusted as needed.

Now, I apply that same "f*ck it, let’s do it" attitude to other areas of my life — exercise, diet, mindfulness. And it’s paid off in ways I never imagined.

What Could You Say "F*ck It, Let’s Do It" to Today?

After 12 months of embracing this mindset, my life looks completely different.

I’ve relocated to Southeast Asia as a digital nomad, built a one-person business that brings in over $10k per month, and grown my following on Medium from 6,000 to 67,000. I’ve also built an email list of nearly 4,000 subscribers, sold my first business, and connected with incredible people.

So what’s stopping you from saying "f*ck it, let’s do it" today?

👉 If you’re ready to take the leap and start your own one-person business, I’ve created a FREE email course to help you get started.