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How To Build a $10k+ Per Month One-Person Business From Scratch

How To Build a $10k+ Per Month One-Person Business From Scratch
5 min read

How To Build a $10k+ Per Month One-Person Business From Scratch: Lessons From My Journey

Building a one-person business that makes over $10k a month is possible—even if you're starting with nothing. Trust me, I know because I fumbled my way through it, learned the hard lessons, and found a better path. I’m here to save you from years of trial and error. Let me share the insights that would have saved me a ton of time and frustration.

My Early Mistakes (And How You Can Avoid Them)

When I first quit my 9-to-5, I dove headfirst into my business with no experience, no strategy, and no clue how to keep things running. I spent an entire year struggling with cash flow and wondering what went wrong. My business model had serious flaws, and I didn’t know how to pivot effectively.

I felt lost. Completely overwhelmed. If I could go back, here’s what I would have done differently.

Start With a High-Ticket Service

Here’s a mindset shift: if you have a 9-to-5 job, you’re already running a one-person business. Your current employer is just one client buying your skills. To scale that into your own business, take what you’re already doing, and offer it to other companies. This works particularly well for business-to-business (B2B) services, and you can charge $2.5k to $5k per month.

That’s how I started. I took the procurement skills I’d built in my job and offered them as a freelance service. At the same time, I learned about sales and marketing while building an audience on platforms like Medium and LinkedIn. Before I knew it, I was making six figures.

But, here’s the thing: I didn’t want to stick with procurement forever. It bored me. So, I began pivoting. I shifted from offering procurement services to helping procurement businesses with their sales and marketing. Eventually, I moved completely to selling ghostwriting services to CEOs and founders.

The point is, your initial offer doesn’t have to define your long-term direction. If you’re not in love with what you’re doing now, that’s okay. Resell your existing skills for 3-6 months to build some cash flow, then gradually pivot toward what excites you.

The Power of High-Proximity Offers

I used to resist one-on-one coaching or service-based offers because I thought they’d take too much time. But I soon realized how rewarding it could be, both financially and personally. I started coaching other one-person businesses on how to scale their income, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Why? It allowed me to:

  • Sharpen my own skills while teaching others.
  • Validate my strategies and programs with real results.
  • Repurpose community calls and coaching sessions into valuable digital products.

For instance, I hosted a workshop on copywriting for my community, and they found it incredibly helpful. Instead of letting that content gather dust, I repackaged it and sold it to a wider audience, earning an extra $650 in just a week.

Build a Suite of Digital Products

Digital products are a game-changer for scaling a one-person business. Every week, I create something new—a recorded workshop, an eBook, a checklist, or a Notion template. The ideas for these products often come directly from my high-ticket service work, coaching calls, or community sessions.

Here’s how it works:

  • Take any recurring process, template, or system you use with clients and package it as a product.
  • Record your coaching or community sessions and turn them into standalone courses or digital resources.
  • Repackage your entire curriculum into a self-paced course with testimonials and real-world results.

By consistently creating digital products, I went from $400 to $1,000 in monthly sales within a short time, and I’m confident I can scale that to $10k per month in the next 6-12 months.

Build In Public: Share Your Journey

One of the most valuable assets you can build as an entrepreneur is an audience. I’ve been building mine for over 5 years, and it’s been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. An engaged audience can open doors to speaking gigs, board positions, clients, and endless opportunities.

The key is to show up consistently and be yourself. Share your journey, your wins, your losses, and everything in between. People don’t just buy your services—they buy into you.

My daily routine involves posting updates on platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Medium. By sharing my progress, I attract clients and followers who resonate with my mission and values. And that’s what you want—people who get you.

The Simple (But Not Easy) Blueprint

If I were starting from scratch again, here’s the blueprint I’d follow:

  1. Offer a high-ticket, done-for-you (DFY) service based on your existing skill set.
  2. Create a mid-ticket, done-with-you (DWY) service for those who are a few steps behind you.
  3. Turn your DFY and DWY services into digital products that you can resell over and over.
  4. Document your journey and share it with the world through social media or a blog.

It’s a straightforward formula, but it’s not easy. Most people won’t even start, and that’s exactly where you can win. The barriers to entry are low, but so is the competition if you stay consistent.

I’ve been there, almost failing, and I know how tough it can be. But I also know how rewarding it is to build something from nothing and turn it into a thriving business.

If you're ready to dive in, I’ve created a free email course that shares my one-person business growth system. It’s packed with lessons I’ve learned along the way, and it can help you get started on the right foot.

You’ve got this. Let’s build that $10k+ per month business together.